Books online, new cat in eBayBusiness News

April 21, 2012 06:20
Books online, new cat in eBay

eBay, the online group buying phenomenon, with its novel strategy had gained popularity in the metros. Now with its latest addition……….

eBay is all set to change the literature market with its latest addition of `Books’ category. eBay expertise in the group buying concept and has more than 6,171,633 results found in  the Books and Magazines section. Group Buying as a phenomenon is new in India but it does look like an interesting and promising space, especially with the big players entering the market. eBay not only offers new books but also offers rare used books. This could be vital breakeven point for the dominant online giant. As of now there are more than 150 odd categories of books from versatile backgrounds.

The online stores displays three categories of book deals, All Items, Auction and Buy it now. All Items provides details of all the items available in a particular category. Auction is a section where one gets the chances to buy the items that are auctioned on that particular day. However, if you can’t wait for the auction, buy it instantly in the Buy Now section.  The highlight of the new section is definitely the massive discounts that eBay is offering on the books (discounts go up to 50 per cent for a lot of books).

There is a ‘quick reads’ section that offers short books by Indian authors (Chetan Bhagat, Ravinder Singh, etc) and they are all being offered at a minimum discount of 49 per cent. Then there is an ‘our picks’ section where books recommended by eBay are displayed (Secret, The Alchemist, Steve Jobs, etc). All the regular payments options are available on the site and although there are no shipping charges, there is a delivery time of 5 days for all the books. A little patience will get you, your favorite books at the best costs.  (With inputs from internet: AarKay)

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