Find Today From Date With Time formatDate(prop("Date w/ Time"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L") View fullsize 2. Due Date - Every task should be given a due date when created (if viewing in the Today & Past Due filter, each new task will automatically add today for the due date). In the calendar view add a Filter "Where > Status - Is not empty" Notion Formula: Does Date Range Contain Today . In the meantime, you can add a formula field (let's call it "End date")to automatically calculate the end date with end (prop ("Date")). Group 2: For every new entry added, fill the Status property as Not Started.All other tasks shown can be either Not Started, In . The API supports filtering by the following property types: rich_text, phone_number, number, checkbox, select, multi-select, date, people, files, relation, status, and formula. The day property is another select type specifying the day of the week. Notion Date Formulas can help you get the format you want. Maybe you want to . Notion Filter Rollup availability is possible, using a Notion filter group or normal database filters. Click "Add a filter group" to create a nested filter and configure it. Hopefully can answer your question. . Create your primary filter by clicking " + Add a filter " and configure your primary filter. Knowing how to use Notion filters can really help you . if (formatDate (prop ( "Date" ), "w") == formatDate (now (), "w" ), true, false ) Add a filter using the "Current Week" column and set it to only shows records where it is checked. What the filter does: Group 1: For every new entry added, fill the Type property as Task.All other tasks shown can be either Task or Bug (an or condition will allow you to auto-fill new entries with what is displayed at the very top of the group filter).. AND. Notion is a workspace that adapts to your needs. The formatDate () function takes two arguments: Date The date to reformat, which is typically a property reference. Operators: Simple calculations like arithmetic (add/subtract) and logic (true/false). If a date with a time is provided, the comparison is done with millisecond precision. Date is today filter inconvenience. Here is how it works. "YYYY-MM-DD", for example, is unsupported natively in Notion. Improve this answer. Notion article exploring the formulas to manipulate calendar view and only see stuff that's scheduled. How to add a forcing filter for the start date property in Notion 4. String The format in which to display the date, following the Moment.js standard. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. 6. Equals Date Filter If a date without a time is provided to the equals, the comparison is done against the start and end of the UTC date provided (inclusive). When you create a new formula, there are four options to choose from: Properties, Constants, Operators and Functions. If you're new to formulas, consider wetting your toes with our introductory post, Meet Notion's Formula Property. Select Filter from the drop-down menu. You can create a formula so only the date with the selected status is appearing in the calendar. Properties: These are effectively your "variables.". . Open Notion to the database you want to add the nested filter. There are several ways to filter and sort Notion databases by dates. Let's create a formula for working with dates and then make that shit bop. Filter on Date is Today In a page titled 2020-09-23, I am creating a linked database that has a property "Date". As its name implies, this property indicates the week number in your sequential dates calculation. This means you can filter by these attributes, even if the database doesn't have a "Created time" or "Last edited time . For us, that's extremely important because half our team is remote. Find Tomorrow From Date With Time formatDate(dateAdd(now(), 1, "days"), "L") == formatDate(prop("Date w/ Time"), "L") View fullsize 3. For example, filtering dates by the current week , by the current month, and by the current quarter. Inspired by a question I received on one of my YouTube videos, I solved the problem "does today land within a date range?" I used the function formatDate to find if start and end of range lands on today, and dateBetween to determine how many days span from now to both ends of the range. For details of Moment.js formatting, reference the Devhints cheatsheet. How I create a formula Follow . The week property is a select type composed of numbers from "one" to "twelve". In Notion parlance, a spreadsheet is called a table and we'll begin our Music Library by adding a few artists. I just created one myself after reading this paired with the response from u/ben-something. Replace prop("Date Range") with name of date property as date range with time included. Functions: More complex, pre-defined formulas . The formulas below show you how to match titles/text properties to dates like finding a current year, current date, tomorrow's date, and more.Included are formulas that can return the equivalent solution for a date property too. Notion continues to be the easiest way to get information centralized somewhere and shout it out to someone else. Filter object A filter is a single condition used to specify and limit the entries returned from a database query. When querying a database using filters, you previously were only able to build filters using properties that were explicitly defined in the database schema. First up: @-today in templates can now be configured to apply the date when duplicated, . Set the column type to formula and add the following formula, replacing "Date" with your date column name. Use case example: filter an embedded tasks db by "Created on" date of the new duplicate page. So here's what I did: In this video, I explain how to use filters in Notion by looking at regular filters, group filters, using filters to automate information, and much more. If . Notion's ease of use is one of its hallmarks. Formulas like this are necessary when filters alone don't work. It just occurred to me, if I was to look at that page tomorrow, will "Today" be interpreted as 09-24 or 09-23? So in summary, a formula can be used to view more information in a smaller space, view information with clear explanations or, for filtering database views. This tutorial walks you through how to can filter Notion databases to only show records for the current week. Click the ellipsis ( ) at the top of your database. My Notion Blog: Twitter: about Parent-Child relations: . Notion should have date filters for "starts on" and "ends on". Notion formulas: a reference guide. Then you can use a combination of the Date and End date fields to filter out what you want. First, create a table (Artist Table) with a series of columns (highlighting Notion's various property types): Artist Name (Page) Birthday (Date) Photo (File) Genre (Multi-select) In a Notion database, you can use a Notion date formula to change what you see. If no timezone is provided, the default timezone is UTC. ago u/DonAlexJulien that is a great workaround!! For those using a Notion database for daily journaling or something similar, it may be beneficial to use dates as the title of a page. I have a database at which entities may span multiple days, in a "today" view that has the filter (date is today) it doesn't show the entity except if the start day is today, Does someone have a solution or workaround to apply the filter for the whole period of the date range? You could do something similar and if you want the "this week" column to check true for this week but force it to set the week to end on a Friday use this formula: if (formatDate (dateSubtract (prop ("Date"), -1, "days"), "w") == formatDate (dateSubtract (now (), -1, "days"), "w"), true, false) Plus you can set which day of the week you want. Share. Date format can be 'yyyy-mm-dd' or 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' or using ISO8601 format. Collectives on Stack Overflow. In that database, I create an entry and set the filter - "Date is Today", so that I only see entries from that day. { 'Created Date': { date: { start: 2022-02-14, end: 2022-02-18, }, }, } . 5. Learn more about Collectives In the example above there is a rollup date, 2 date properties and a formula date that has been selected for a database view. The Notion Formula Cheat Sheet This reference provides technical details and examples for every Notion function, operator and constant, as well as the patterns used to format dates using the formatDate () function. Notion's default and expanded view inside Daily Tasks Exploring the fields inside the database Name (untitled) - The name of your task. Here is my DAX expression: Max Possible Hours = CALCULATE (COUNT (users [full name]),FILTER (users,users [is_active]= True), FILTER ('Harvest Inactive List','Harvest Inactive List' [inactive date] < TODAY ())* [Workdays]*7.6) It takes the user, filters it by whether they are active or not and then (the bit that doesn't work) should filter by . We've added a new type of filter for the created timestamp and last edited timestamp of any page within the database. as a request body for notion client JS SDK. The following formulas and filters can help a user create unique database views for entries. It's as minimal or as powerful as you need it to be. There should be a way to use the page props as variables in the filters in linked databases inside a template. 8 DonnyGreens 5 mo. If you set a filter of [Date] [Is] [Today] then the current date will be filled in whenever you add a new page from that filtered view. Database queries can be filtered by page property values. 1. On a browse screen that displays a list of records, we can filter the items in a gallery control to show only the records that were created today by setting the items property as follows: Filter (Issue, CreateDateTime >= Today (), CreateDateTime < DateAdd (Today (), 1, Days) ) 2 - Filtering records by a specific date